
My name is Bill Scarrott, and I am here to help you move beyond basic religious survival.

With roots in a conservative Baptist community, my spiritual journey began in my teen years with the divorce of my Christian parents. Torn between what people said and how they lived, I yearned to know whether or not all that I had learned as a child was a lie. The years that followed were a quest from those halls of pain to a place where I now believe beyond a doubt that God exists, He is good, and that Jesus of Nazareth is the centre of the narrative.

Always ready for another adventure, I’ve wandered from the waves of the Oregon coast where I was baptized in the Christian tradition, to the deserts of the Middle East and the shores of West Africa.

I’ve come away from my travels with more than just memories. While customs agents have stamped my passport, God has imprinted on my heart a burden for the poor and forgotten, and a burning desire to see my Christian brothers and sisters move from a simple belief in “doing the right things” to an experiential, mystical encounter with Jesus Christ.

I live in Alberta, Canada with my wife Karen and two daughters, Kaitlyn and Alyssa. Although writing is my passion, most of my time is spent building stuff out of wood.

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